Loyalty program,
voucher and gift card

What is the loyalty program ?



To convert your points into savings, simply click on your account page under ‘Loyalty Program’.

What is the validity of my loyalty points ?

Loyalty points are valid for one year after your last purchase. If you make any kind of purchase, the validity of all your loyalty points is extended.
If you create a voucher from your loyalty points, it will be valid for one month. If you have converted your loyalty points into a voucher by mistake, contact our customer service so that we can cancel the voucher and re-credit your loyalty points.

On which products can I use my loyalty voucher ?

The vouchers created from the conversion of loyalty points can be used on all products on the site, excluding discounted products (sales, promotions or outlet). Vouchers can be used from a minimum of €100.00.
If you wish to proceed to the purchase of a basket that contains discounted and non-discounted products, the voucher will be blocked automatically. Our technical team is working on a way to solve this issue, in the meantime, we invite you to contact our customer service to have the discount credited directly to your customer account.

I have a gift card or a coupon, how to apply it ?

Once you've added the items you wish to order to your cart, visit your shopping cart page here where you will find the appropriate field right under the indication "Do you have a coupon ?".

I lost my gift card. What should I do ?

Not to worry ,we've got your back We can help you find the affiliated coupon if you send us the order reference or the name of the person who offered the card by email at serviceclient@lexception.zendesk.com.

Can I use both my gift card and a coupon ?

It is not possible to add several vouchers on your basket. In this specific case, please contact us at our email address serviceclient@lexception.zendesk.com and give us the code affiliated to the gift card and the coupon so that we can help.

Can I use more than one coupon for a single order ?

Unfortunately, it is not possible to use more than one coupon per transaction.

I have a customer credit. Where can I find the amount I currently have left ?

You can check the amount of your customer credit at any time by loggin into your account, you will see your current amount in the white box on the left of your screen.

I want to offer a giftcard, how do I buy one ?

You can find our gift cards on our gift cards page. We have two types of gift cards : the luxury gift card that can be sent in 24-48h to the address you choose, or the e-card. With the e-card, the recipient will receive the gift voucher immediately by email.

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