All our brands and designers for Man
L'Exception selects the most beautiful brands for men.
Find here the list of all our brands and follow the NEW symbol to discover our newest additions.
The small sheet shows you the brands of our ECO X CEPTION selection, which present more than 75% of products corresponding to our criteria of eco-responsibility and ethics.
- A-dam
- A.B.C.L. Garments
- Adidas
- Adieu
- ADN Paris
- agnès b.
- Aigle
- Albam
- American Vintage
- AMI Paris
- Anderson's
- Andrea Crews
- Angarde
- Annelise Michelson
- Anthology Paris
- APC Paris
- Apnee
- Archive 18-20
- Arkk
- Armor Lux
- Arte Antwerp
- Asics
- Atalaye
- Atelier de la Venise Normande
- Atelier Indépendant
- Atelier Materi
- Athletic Propulsion Labs
- Atlantic Stars
- AV08 Paris
- Axel Arigato
- B.D Baggies
- Baars
- Band Of Outsiders
- Baracuta
- Barbour
- Barbour International
- Barker Shoes
- Baserange
- Bask in the Sun
- Bastille Paris
- Be Soap My Friend
- Beaubleu Paris
- Belledonne Paris
- Bellroy
- Bernard Zins
- Béton Ciré
- Birkenstock
- Bisous Skateboards
- Bivouak
- Bleu de Paname
- Blundstone
- Bobbies Paris
- Bonne Maison
- Bottega Veneta
- Bourrienne Paris X
- Bricktown World
- L'Exception
- L'Exception ParisExclusive
- L'Impermeabile
- L:A Bruket
- La Botte Gardiane
- La Panoplie
- La Paz
- La Virgule
- Lacoste
- Lacoste Live
- Lamazuna
- Laperruque
- Larmorie
- Laruze
- Later
- Laulhere
- Le Chapoté
- Le Coq Sportif
- Le Gramme
- Le Slip Français
- Les bois
- Les Candides
- Les Deux
- Les Flèches de Phébus
- Les Garçons Faciles
- Les Huilettes
- Les Petits Prödiges
- Levi's Made and Crafted
- Levi's Red Tab
- Levi's Vintage Clothing
- Libertine Libertine
- Losanje
- Loyal.e Paris
- Ly Adams
- M.C. Overalls
- M.X Maxime Simoëns
- Macon & Lesquoy
- Maison Boinet
- Maison Kitsuné
- Maison Labiche
- Maison Montagut
- Maison Vanité
- Majestic Filatures
- Mallet Footwear
- Manastash
- Manifattura Ceccarelli
- March LA.B
- Maria Black
- Maria La Rosa
- Materialiste
- Mc Alson
- Meesha
- Mercer Amsterdam
- Merz b Schwanen
- Mews
- Minorquines
- Misericordia
- MocT
- MoEa
- Momotaro Jeans
- Montlimart
- Mud Jeans