• German Military trainers - Reproduction of found
  • German Military trainers - Reproduction of found


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German Military trainers

Reproduction of found

$277.2   $138.6 (-50%)This purchase earns you 1320 points.

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Reproduction of the German military basketball of the 1980s. This tribute model is made of fine Italian leather with grey suede overlays on the top and leather lining. Tricolour back sole in the colours of the German flag.

The reproduction of Found German Military Trainer is probably the most famous military trainer silhouette. This model remains faithful to the original shape while providing a finer quality of materials and construction of the shoe.



100% Leather

Colors : Gray light gray
Ref: 1766CSL

About Reproduction of found

Reproduction of Found is a brand of the Japanese group EYE FOUND co.,ltd created in 2016.

The idea is more or less faithfully reproduced, using other materials for example, shoes and trainers from the 50s to the 90s. And in particular the training trainers of the different armies of the world. The pairs are mainly produced in workshops in Eastern Europe, often using the same machines as at the time: these workshops have historically already worked for the production of trainers for these different armies.

In addition, the brand attaches great importance to the materials used, they are of high quality and the leathers are premium.
See more products from this brand Reproduction of found


This product meets the following ECO X CEPTION criteria:
Produced in the European Union
Produced in the European Union
Produced in the European Union

more than 50% of the manufacturing costs were incurred with companies within the European Union.

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