Buda Ball is a magnetic levitating sphere that hovers in the air. Designed to reduce our stress levels, Buda Ball floats and spins hypnotically in an invisible magnetic field, creating a soothing visual experience that is both temporal and calming: a reminder to live in the moment.
Simon, born in the Bronx, New York, was always passionate about skateboarding. Often skaters are perceived as annoying elements that are in the way, so Simon always felt like a rebel, both against society and also against the law of gravity.
“As a kid, I was beguiled by levitation and how things float in the air. I guess I was just always fascinated by things that defy gravity.” This fascination of weightlessness made Simon start experimenting and exploring the world of electromagnetic levitation.
After studying Master’s at the University of Gothenburg, Simon began work on what he previously thought impossible: a hoverboard, albeit one that stood stationary. He continued experimenting and worked on custom projects, building levitation displays for various companies.The reaction of the public was encouraging — they were engrossed and taken aback by what they saw.
“Something happens when you let objects with odd shapes float in the air, you suddenly see them from new angles and get a completely new perception of their shape. It's hard to tear your eyes from it.”
Simon realized that this could be something bigger than just a hobby. He approached some potential investors, however, they were cautious and not so forthcoming. So he decided to take his ideas to people. And what's a better way to do that than crowdfunding?
Morris' passion lies in the interaction between science and art. He is interested in how we observe the world and how things work - the technicalities, the scientific methods. He likes the word combination “art scientist” - because science doesn't have to be simply practical, you can use it for expressive reasons as well.
“A lot of technical people who are very knowledgeable in the sciences seem to lack another part, which is the design part, the user-friendliness. So to get a complete picture you have to think like Leonardo da Vinci, who was an artist, but also a scientist. It's very rare to find people that can bridge both worlds, and that's what inspires me a lot. “
Simon studied Computer Sciences, as well as Art and Creative Expression. He describes Flyte as a combination of science, poetry and something that's very easy to understand. “When people look at our products, they get it right away. So I feel happy at the end of the day if I can create something that looks very simple from the outside but has a complexity inside.”
Morris likes to play with boundaries. That's where his captivation of magnetism and electromagnets started. And he realized that science and physics can also be fun. “It's interesting, in science the bar has always been raised so high that kids don't really want to do it. They feel like they have to take themselves very seriously and become white lab coats and read the books and everything. But actually it can be so entertaining, you can just start doing stuff and learn along the way. A lot of scientific experiments, inventions and innovations have come out through fun, through experiments, through failure, through mistakes. Everyone has the same capacity to create, I really agree to the idea that knowledge and learning comes by doing. And it fwhen you complete a project that other people also get excited about. It makes you want to do more.”
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