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  • Merry Christmass Ya Filthy Animal Shower Kit - Men's Society
  • Merry Christmass Ya Filthy Animal Shower Kit - Men's Society
  • Merry Christmass Ya Filthy Animal Shower Kit - Men's Society
  • Merry Christmass Ya Filthy Animal Shower Kit - Men's Society

Merry Christmass Ya Filthy Animal Shower Kit

Men's Society

30€   12 (-60%)Für diesen Kauf erhalten Sie Punkte.

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Weitere Produkte ansehen : Men's Society Pflege Seifen, Hygiene


Refreshing face wash. Moisturiser. Tücher für das Gesicht. Shampoo und Body Wash.Stay fresh through the festivities! Dieses spielerische Weihnachtswaschset ist ein ideales Geschenk für jeden Mann oder Teenager und eignet sich hervorragend als Stocking FillerThe washes and moisturisers in the kit are 100% natural.


Die Abmessungen dieses Artikels sind:
Breite :11 cm
Höhe:8 cm
Tiefe :2.5 cm

Farbe : Weiß
Ref: MC004

Über Men's Society

It was 2008. I was living in London doing a very sensible corporate job. When Bella walked into the office and changed the game forever. A girl can do that to a guy. Like most relationships in their early stages there was a fair bit of showing off, trying to outdo each other with little gifts. Only Bella was annoyingly good at it. These gifts ranged from persuading the pizza guy to write 'get well soon Hottie' onto the box when I was too ill to leave my flat, a custom made bright yellow umbrella - to stand out against a sea of black ones - to the perfect little grooming kit to accompany a surprise weekend away to Berlin; Bella always nailed it. Which got us thinking... and in 2012 Men's Society was born and we put Bella’s gifting skills into action full time. Like a lot of businesses, ours was founded and created at the kitchen table. Ambitions were dreamt around it, ideas sketched on it and product made at it. The business has grown (along with our family) and we now work with some of the top retailers in the world but we still make everything by hand, in Britain and we're super proud of that. Although we may have out grown our original table, we still hold the same dreams, drive and attention to detail that we had at that kitchen table all those years ago.
Sehen Sie mehr Produkte der Marke Men's Society


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